Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Do I Believe the Bible? Like, seriously, the WHOLE Bible?

In case it wasn't clear in my profile.  I am a Christian. Saved, completely by the grace of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of God, who died for my sins on a cross and rose 3 days later.  I believe the Bible is the LIVING Word of God, wholly inspired by God, and 100% applicable to my life, and yours, still today.  If you  disagree with what I've said, so far, you miiiiiight not get much out of this blog.

So, based on my claimed beliefs, how are my actions/reactions to current local and global issues lining up with that awesome and inspired Word of God? 
The first thing I think of is Jesus' words in John 13:34-35. "A new command I give you: Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

Great! So, HOW do I do this?  It's probably smart to look to John, the man known as the one "whom Jesus loved" or "Beloved."   
That means, that John's most specific identifier was that HE was loved by Jesus. 

Jesus. Like....GOD-OF-THE UNIVERSE- IN-FLESH.  JESUS looked John in the eye and called him His Beloved.  WHO ELSE CAN SAY THAT? It HAD to have been HUGE for him, especially considering that the gospel of John is the only gospel that uses this phrase.  He wanted to MAKE SURE that everyone who read his account KNEW, "Hey, I am the one whom Jesus loved." When that guy tells me what it means to love, I better listen!

John says in I John 3:16-18. "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us.  And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.  If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?  Dear children, let us not love with words or speech, but with ACTIONS AND IN TRUTH."

Keeping that in mind, I'll make this super-real for you.
Who hasn't heard about the incredibly callous, cruel, and evil acts being forced on our Christian brothers and sisters in the Middle East?  I, honestly, cannot even stomach typing the words it would require to give you all the details.  If you haven't heard about the ongoing Christian persecution in the Middle East you can read about it here or here .  

It, actually, makes me want to throw up when I think about the horrible things going on over there.  BUT WHAT CAN I DO? HOW CAN I, POSSIBLY, MAKE A DIFFERENCE? We are raising 3 kids on, basically, 1 income.  While I'm thankful for all we have, there's not a whole lot left in the budget when we reach the end of the necessities each month.  

Well, then, I heard a story about a man that wanted to donate to this cause, but had almost nothing...  However, he sent in his jar of savings to a reputable fund working to get Christians out of the Middle East.  

That jar contained "ONLY" $37.32. 

$37!  Surely, I can scrape together $37!  

Bake sale? Yard sale? Car Wash?

ANYTHING has GOT to be better than NOTHING, right?

If it was my daughter, son, sister, or brother, wouldn't I be SHOUTING FROM THE ROOFTOPS for everyone to give ANYTHING and EVERYTHING THEY POSSIBLY COULD until my s/he was safe again?  Why are we not URGENT about this?  Do we really, and I mean, REALLY REALLY believe the WHOLE Bible? If so, are we loving our brothers and sisters in Christ with "actions and truth" or in "words or speech" only?  

God help me, but so far, I've only offered words of pity to them.  THAT. STOPS. NOW.  
Will you join me? 

I am very confident in the Nazarene Fund. (Read FAQ about the Nazarene Fund here.)  Or, if you have a different fund that you are more passionate about, donate there.  Either way, please do SOMETHING!  

Does the world recognize us as Christians by our love for each other?  If not, LET'S START TODAY!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Hi. I'm Liz

What you'll read here is just me... Take it or leave it... it's me.

Why am I starting this blog? I'm so glad you asked!

MY HEAD IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE!  Everyday, it seems there is some new "thing" that I simply can't believe I'm hearing.  It's about Planned Parenthood, the Presidential Election, terrorism, or the political leaders WE elected... the list goes on and on. 
So, the problems are easy to see.  But what do I do? I am 1 person with no big resources at my disposal.  I can get on Facebook and rant, like everyone else, but what will that really do? Ummmm... nothing. 
That's why I'm here, sitting at my desk, listening to Rescue-bots in the background, starting this blog.  More than anything, it is to document MY journey as I do my very best to stop doing a BIG FAT NOTHING to change the things I don't like.

For example:
 -The Christians being marked for death in the Middle East- seriously, that is so much bigger than me, what can I do?  I bet I can find something.
-Planned Parenthood being financially supported by MY GOVERNMENT from the money I PAY TO THEM while they dismember living babies on a tray, where do I start? I bet I can find something.
- Hearing uninformed people, Christian people, look me in the face and tell me they are going to vote for a person to RUN OUR COUNTRY because, and ONLY because, they are Republican, Democrat, not a politician at all, black, white, Hispanic, male, female, etc.  Seriously? Where do I even start? I bet I can find something.

For some reason, it's always been very satisfying for me to know that someone has ALL the information.  Even if they are making a TERRIBLE DECISION, I appreciate knowing that they are, at least, educated on the topic and are CHOOSING, through their actions, to say, "Yes, I know this is a terrible decision.  Yes, I know it's bad for me.  Yes, it goes against everything I've always said I believe.  I'M JUST THAT STUPID." 

Well... I can't fix stupidity, but maybe I can work towards fixing ignorance.

This life I'm living is NOT A DRESS REHEARSAL.  THIS IS IT!  I can no longer do nothing, even if my only platform is this blog, I'm going to go at it as hard as I can....

Please "follow" me.... so you can watch me stumble down this path I am beginning today.